Tuesday, December 10, 2024

"News  You Can Use" - 

December 2024 Newsletter

Please click the link below to access the December newsletter:

December 2024 Newsletter


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

"News You Can Use" - 

Stratford Manor Newsletter for November 2024 -

Please click on the link below to access the newsletter.

If you have any issues or questions, please contact:  secretary.stratfordmanor@gmail.com

November 2024 Newsletter

Monday, October 7, 2024


News You Can Use - October 2024 Newsletter -  Please click on the link below to access the newsletter.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email board@stratfordmanor.net.

October 2024 Newsletter 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

September and August 2024 Newsletters


To view the September 2024 Newsletter in PDF format, please click on the following link:

September 2024 Newsletter

To view the August 2024 Newsletter in PDF format, please click on the following link:

August Newsletter

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

NEWS YOU CAN USE - July 2024 Newsletter


Stratford Manor Association's Newsletter

(July 2024) 

THANK YOU!  As you drive through our community, you will see that many homeowners have started “sprucing up” their yards and many have made major improvements to their homes. 

 Abbitt Management has completed the annual home inspections, and some homeowners may have letters indicating the outcome of the inspections.  The most common issues noted were gutters need to be cleaned out, trim boards need painting, rear fencing needs repairing, removal of sheets from windows, repair/replace blinds/mullions; repair sheds, front door and shutter colors do not match, power wash sheds, gable vents in need of repair, and mow/trim/weed front yard.

 As a reminder, if you anticipate making any exterior improvements, you must complete an architectural request form and submit it to Abbitt Management for approval BEFORE THE IMPROVEMENTS ARE DONE.  An architectural request form can be found on the HOA’s website at stratfordmanornn@blogspot.com under the architectural tab.

Common areas are for the common use and enjoyment of our community.  Any homeowners which are planning work which may impact the common area (laydown or work area) requires the approval of the Board.  If a contractor trailer or dumpster is to be utilized, these also require the Board to approve, even when they are in your assigned spaces as our rules allow vehicle parking only.  It is always best to ask the Board, send email to:  board@stradfordmanor.net.

 One homeowner cannot do it alone – it takes a “community”!  Let’s all do our part to continue improving our homes.


Neighborhood Safety Concerns -   

Recently, there has been an increase in packages being stolen from porches.  Did you know that almost 50% of all Americans have had a package stolen from their porch or know someone who has? 

 Although these statistics are worrisome, the good news is that there are things you can do to prevent porch pirates from making off with your valuable packages.

 1.  Take advantage of package tracking:  The simplest way to avoid porch pirates is to use tracking information to quickly retrieve your package once delivered.  If you are not able to be home during the delivery, you can also have someone else keeping an eye on your doorstep that day.  Limiting the time between delivery and retrieval is a simple, straightforward way to avoid porch piracy.

2.  Install a video doorbell:  Video doorbells are becoming an increasingly popular way of protecting homes.  Brands like Ring, Arlo and Nest sell doorbells that double as home security cameras.  When someone rings the doorbell, you can see a live video feed and the camera allow for a two-way audio.  Burglars and thieves tend to be discouraged by security alarms.

3.  Get your packages delivered to Amazon lockers:  You can’t always control when a package will be delivered or whether you’ll be home to retrieve it.  Amazon offers a delivery option called AMAZON LOCKER.  The company has lockers at various locations, from pharmacies to convenience stores where you can choose to have your package delivered.  You’ll receive notification when your package is delivered, just as you normally would.  When you get to the locker, you’ll use the code that Amazon sends you, which will trigger the opening of the locker.  No one can get the package without your code, so you know it’s safe until you can pick it up.

4.  Ask your neighbors for help:  Making friends with your neighbors is a great way to build community, but it also can bestow personal benefits, including potential prevention of package theft.  If you aren’t going to be home when a package is expected to be delivered, contact a neighbor friend and let them grab it for you. 


No soliciting within the community:  Homeowners’ associations are particularly attractive communities for commercial, religious, and political solicitors.  The close proximity of homes and accessible sidewalks lend appeal to neighborhood canvassers. 

Recently, it has been noted that a group of children have been “going around” knocking on doors and stopping cars asking for money.  Stratford Manor has a “No Solicitation” policy with signs stating such and are posted throughout the community.            


With school being out for the summer, more children are playing outdoors.  Please be careful when driving in our community.



A Friendly Reminder - - When you are cleaning up your yards, please be sure to properly dispose of the leaves, clippings, etc., and not place them in the common areas or behind your home.  The city will only pick up debris in “clear” bags. Atlantic Landscaping is not responsible for cleaning up debris from private property.  The landscaping is looking so pretty, and we all want to do our part to continue making Stratford Manor a beautiful community. 


DO YOU WANT TO KNOW THE 411?  The best way to be in the “know” is to receive a copy of the newsletter by email.   To update your contact information, email it to the board at the following email address:  board@stratfordmanor.net


Be A Good Neighbor – With summertime here, please be a good neighbor and promptly pick up dog waste from your pet.  If you are walking your dog, please feel free to use the two dog stations found within our community.  Do not place dog waste in other people’s trash can.  Remember to clean off your patio frequently as no one enjoys sitting on their patio smelling dog waste. 

As a reminder, the City of Newport News requires that your dog MUST BE LEASHED when you take them for a walk.  Please do not let your dog “potty” in someone else’s yard. 




July 2 (bulk), July 9, July 16 (bulk), July 23, and July 30 (bulk) 

Please be mindful when placing “bulk” items out for pickup.  Guidelines can be found at the City’s website: nnva.gov.








Tuesday, June 4, 2024

NEWS YOU CAN USE - June 2024 Newsletter


         "NEWS YOU CAN USE"    

                                            Stratford Manor Association's Newsletter

                                                                (June 2024)

LANDSCAPING UPDATE:  Atlantic Landscaping has only been “on the job” since April 1 and Sean and his crew are doing a fantastic job to get our community looking great.  Edging borders was a great improvement to the overall look of our community along with the new mulch.  While “picking up sticks” seems to be a problem with every landscaping contractor SM has employed, we have high hopes that Atlantic Landscaping will rise to the occasion and help keep SM a beautiful place in which to live.  If you have any questions or concerns about landscaping, please feel free to email the Board at board@stratfordmanor.net.


New Month – New Start – You’ve heard it before – first impressions are everything, whether it’s for a job interview, a first date, or the curb appeal of a home.  So, if your home has begun to look a little shabby or out-of-date, perhaps it’s time to make everything new again.  Homes that are well maintained are not only aesthetically pleasing but it is a sure bet that property values will also increase.     

With that in mind, an inspector from Abbitt Property Management along with HOA board members will be conducting home inspections on Monday, June 3, 2024.  Now is the time to clean out the gutters and downspouts, power wash the exterior of your home (and your shed, too), and clean up your front yard. 

All owners must gain approval prior to making exterior structural, color, or other decorative changes in appearance.  No owner has the authority to authorize any exterior work to be done in Stratford Manor without prior approval of the Board.  A request must be submitted to the Architectural Committee and an application form can be found on our webpage (stratfordmanornn.blogspot.com). 

In May’s newsletter, the board listed the HOA’s guidelines to assist you in ensuring that the exterior of your home complies.  A copy of the newsletter may be found on the HOA’s website at stratfordmanornn.blogspot.com.


Schools Will Soon Be Out for the Summer – There will be an increase of “kid activity” within our community.  Please watch out for children playing and riding bikes when driving through our community.  There has been a group of children soliciting for “pocket change” within SM.  Please be aware that SM has a “no solicitation” policy.  With an increase of “pedestrian” activity, it is a good security feature for all homeowners to keep your front and back porch lights on.  Don’t answer the door unless you know who it is.  As a community service, our local police do a nightly “walk around” the community.  Remember, if you see something - - say something!     



A Friendly Reminder - - When you are cleaning up your yards, please be sure to properly dispose of the leaves, clippings, etc., and not place them in the common areas or behind your home.  The city will only pick up debris in “clear” bags. Atlantic Landscaping is not responsible for cleaning up debris from private property.  The landscaping is looking so pretty, and we all want to do our part to continue making Stratford Manor a beautiful community.


GOT JUNK????? 

As a helpful reminder, please do not put large items (i.e., grills, appliances, televisions, etc.) on the street for trash pickup. The ReStore offers free pick up and they are always in need of appliances, furniture, cabinets, tools, building materials, housewares, flooring, lighting and more!  Call the ReStore at 757-941-4079 – option 1 to schedule a free pick up. 


DO YOU WANT TO KNOW THE 411?  The best way to be in the “know” is to get the SM’s Newsletter via email.  Please make sure that we have your EMAIL address. To update your contact information, email it to the board at the following email address:  board@stratfordmanor.net


Be A Good Neighbor – With hot weather almost here, please be a good neighbor and promptly pick up dog waste from your pet.  If you are walking your dog, please feel free to use the two dog stations found within our community.  Do not place dog waste in other people’s trash can.  Remember to clean off your patio frequently as no one enjoys sitting on their patio smelling dog waste. Dog waste also attracts unwanted rodents (rats and mice) which breed diseases.  Thank you for your continued assistance with this.


Summertime Brings Mosquitoes - 

Mosquitoes have four life stages – eggs, larvae, pupae, adults. Since three of the stages (eggs, larvae, pupae) are found in water, eliminating water sources that can breed mosquitoes eliminates the chances of mosquitoes biting, and thus disease transmission. Source reduction includes the following:

-          Clean up and haul away all trash piles, bottles and cans, debris, and related items from around houses.

-          Avoid having open water areas or containers around the house such as puddles, open flowerpots and containers, damaged water pipes, tires, etc. that might breed mosquitoes.

-          Fill tree holes with mortar.

-          Empty or change water in pet dishes, bird baths, etc. at least once a week.

-          Keep roof gutters clean.

-          Avoid accumulation of decaying material and garbage in and around the home.

-          Fix any low spots in the yard that hold water for long-term control.

Mosquito Dunks – The (Mosquito Dunks®) are sustained-release products that float on water and release a long-term larvicide at the water's surface which must be eaten by the mosquito larvae. Under typical environmental conditions it will work for 30 days or longer. See the package directions to determine the appropriate number of dunks to use for water you are treating. These dunks can be used in water sources such as bird baths, flowerpots, tree holes, rain barrels and roof gutters, and water gardens. The bits, sold as Mosquito Bits™, provide a fast kill (within 24 hours) versus the dunks that generally take longer to kill since they have a lower dose of Bti. However, the bits do not provide long-term control.




Tuesday, April 30, 2024

"NEWS YOU CAN USE" - May 2024 Newsletter

Stratford Manor Association's Newsletter - May 2024

MARK YOUR CALENDARS:  Due to unforeseen circumstances, the April Meeting of the Board of Directors needed to be rescheduled.  It is now scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.   The location for this meeting will be Abbitt Professional Park located at 11835 Fishing Point Drive, Suite 205, Newport News, VA  23606.  By attending a board meeting it is a good way to learn what the Association’s board is doing to keep our community a beautiful place in which to live.


The “Swing into Spring” Luncheon which was held at Sage Café at Anderson’s Garden Center was a huge success.  Over 20 people attended!  It was a great way to catch up with old friends, neighbors, and meet new people.  A special “thank you” goes out to Barb Lucas for spear heading this event.  The Community and Safety are planning more events - - so stay tuned!


Landscaping is “looking good” - Atlantic Landscaping has only been “on the job” since April 1 and our community is looking great!  Sean and his crew have been working hard by edging around the borders, adding mulch, mowing, and trimming.  With the spring rains helping to “freshen up” our lawns and shrubs, Stratford Manor is looking beautiful.  A special “thank you” goes out to Rick Leib, Chairman of our Landscaping Committee, who has worked closely with the oversight of Atlantic Landscaping.  Great job!             


With May Flowers, It Brings May Inspections!  As a reminder, spring inspections are anticipated to be done in May or June subject to the availability of an inspector from Abbitt.  Start planning what “sprucing up” you can do for your home and yard.  All owners must gain approval prior to making exterior structural, color, or other decorative changes in appearance.  No owner has the authority to authorize any exterior work to be done in Stratford Manor without prior approval of the Board.  A request must be submitted to the Architectural Committee and an application form can be found on our webpage (stratfordmanornn.blogspot.com).

Here is a helpful list to make sure that your home is following the guidelines:

-           Roof in good condition – (NOTE:  If you are replacing your roof, you need to submit an architectural request.  The single color for all Stratford Manor homes is “Weathered Wood”.  Both three-tab and architectural asphalt shingles are permitted.)

-           Mullions in all windows and in good condition

-           Shutters in place, painted and in good condition.

-           Screens in all windows and in good condition

-           Fences and gates in good condition

-           Siding secure and well-maintained

-           Exterior paint in good condition and in required colors.

-           Gutters cleaned and in good condition.

-           Patios free of trash, rubbish, garbage, debris, and standing water

-           Rotting wood replaced

-           Landscaping in private spaces kept neat (weeded, grass cut, trees and shrubs trimmed)

-           Downspouts must not be routed under sidewalks to prevent erosion.

-           Sheds should be free of mold and mildew.


To prevent the breeding of mosquitoes, which carry dangerous viruses:

-           Make sure gutters, downspouts, and pads at the end of the downspouts are in place and working properly.

-           Make sure no buckets, flowerpots or other open containers are holding water.

-           Fill in any depressions in your outside spaces where water could collect.


As a reminder, if you ignore the little things, they become big problems!  Please ensure that repairs are done in a timely manner!


 Are you interested?  Some people within the community have expressed an interest in conducting and/or attending outdoor yoga or tai chi classes.  Depending on interest, the date / time to be announced.  If this is something that you are interest in pursuing, please send an email to board@stratfordmanor.net.



Trash Collection Procedures:

Per the NNVA.gov website, containers must be on the street adjoining your property by 7 AM on the day of collection.  Place your cart three feet away from your trash cart, mailbox, cars, etc.  You may set out your container after 3 PM on the day before the scheduled collection, and it must be removed by midnight the day of collection.  All other times, the container must be at the side or rear of your residence.  Be sure that both of your trash containers are marked with your house number. 

With warmer weather, please ensure that your garbage cans are not overflowing, and the lids are closed.  This will prevent “critters” from getting in your garbage cans.


Backyard Collection for the Physically Disabled  

Do you need help in taking your trash containers out for collection?  Did you know that the City of Newport News will do this FREE for you!  Residents who are temporarily or permanently disabled are eligible to received backyard garbage and recycling collection if no other able-bodied person resides in the household.  To receive an application for backyard collection, call 757-933-2311 and an application will be mailed to you, or you can download an application (PDF) at nnva.gov.  A physician’s certificate is required as part of the application process.

 If you have a problem with your trash service, call 757-933-2311. 

Trash Pick Up Dates:  May 7 (Bulk), 14, 21 (Bulk) and 28




Tuesday, April 9, 2024















Stratford Manor Association's Newsletter

(April 2024)

TOWN HALL MEETING RECAP:   For those who were not able to attend the Town Hall Meeting that was held on March 13th, Sgt. Gordon and Officers Mendez and Owens, from the Newport News Police Department, gave a very interesting and informative presentation detailing safety issues in an around the area, provided statistics on crime, and gave helpful suggestions on what we can do as an individual and as a neighborhood.  One of the “takeaways” was – “If you see something, say something” whether in your neighborhood or driving down the highway. 

FYI – (As provided by the NN Police Dept.)

·         For emergencies and crimes that are in progress, call 911 by phone or text message.

·         To report a crime that has already happened, call the non-emergency line (757) 247-2500 or the NNPD Records Customer Service Unit (757) 928-4100.  You may also file a report in person at Headquarters (9710 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA  23605).

·         Depending on the information you provide, someone may: refer you to the NNPD online to file your report electronically; take your report over the phone; or, dispatch an officer to your location.

·         For more information, visit https://www.nnva.gov/169/Police-Department


 Spring is just around the corner – Soon it will be time to think about what new flowers to plant in your yard.  On Monday, April 15, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. there will be a “Swing into Spring” luncheon at the Sage Café at Andersons’ Garden Center.  We are hoping that we will have a representative from Andersons talk about spring plants for our area.  Monday is “senior day” where a 10% discount is given.  Anyone attending is responsible for their own lunch costs.  Come and enjoy a meal with your neighbors and friends, stroll around the beautiful garden center, and maybe buy a new plant or two for your yard.  Be sure to mark your calendar.  LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE!


Contractor Needed? 

The following list of vendors has been provided by homeowners. 

DISCLAIMER:  The Stratford Manor Association DOES NOT endorse nor recommend any of the following individuals and/or companies.  The Association does not assume any liability if a homeowner hires any of these vendors. It is up to each individual homeowner to ensure that the following vendors are bonded, licensed, and insured.



Cashwell Appliance Parts – 757-599-8434

GH Appliance Repair – 757-535-5649

Chimney Cleaning:

Black Goose Chimney – 757-280-5200



Colonial Exterminating Co – 757-599-0889

National Exterminating Co. – 757-599-3621


Jeff’s Flowers – 757-827-5333


Steve James – 757-570-1795

Howard Crear – 757-449-0036


Kearney & Sons Heating & Air Conditioning – 757-722-6311

Tommy Garner Air Conditioning & Heating – 757-930-0000

Steve Smith – 757-715-9762


Brad Boyters – 757-268-7359

One Stop Plumbing – 757-321-8874

Zeigler Plumbing & Sewer – 757-877-2054


Priemer Restorations – 757-549-1160

Vent Cleaning:

Atlantic Vent – 757-595-7660


New Landscaping Contract Awarded – The Landscaping Committee solicited bids from fourteen (14) landscaping companies.  Over the duration of a few weeks, Chair Rick Leib met personally with each contractor to walk the SMA property and discuss our needs.  Seven (7) companies provided responses back by the established due date with quotes ranging from the high $30K to $72K range. Those bid sheets were provided to the Board for review.  Based on the recommendation of the landscape committee, the Board voted to award the 2024 landscaping contract to Atlantic Landscaping, Inc.  Sean Gilbert, the owner, and his manager, Brice, came highly recommended.  Beginning April 1st, you will be seeing Sean, Brice, and their crew in and around the community. 


Spring Inspections Are Coming!

As a reminder, spring inspections are anticipated to be done in May subject to the availability of an inspector from Abbitt.  Start planning what “sprucing up” you can do for your home and yard! As a friendly reminder, please be sure to take down your “seasonal” outside décor promptly.  Let’s all think “spring” and store the Halloween and Christmas décor.


“The exterior of your house and the landscaping surrounding is a big factor in the first impression people form when driving by or pulling into your driveway, and most people agree that location and curb appeal is paramount in the value of a home.  After all, you can drop a pile of lumber and drywall anywhere! – Bryan Baeumler


First Impressions – When you drive through a new community, what is the first thing that you notice?  Curtains!  Do your front window curtains need a makeover or to be ‘spruced up’?  Over time, a lot of curtains become faded due to the sun.  As a gentle reminder, all window and patio door coverings visible from the exterior of the home need to be maintained in good repair.  Permitted coverings are curtains, drapes, shutters, blinds, or shades.  Hanging sheets, blankets, flags, signs, cardboard, and newspaper are not permitted to be used as window or door coverings.  Your cooperation will be appreciated by your community.


Are you interested?  Some people within the community have expressed an interest in conducting and/or attending outdoor yoga or tai chi classes.  Depending on interest, the date / time to be announced.  If this is something that you are interest in pursuing, please send an email to board@stratfordmanor.net.


Trash Pick Up Dates:  April 2, 9 (Bulk), 16, 23 (Bulk) and 30
